Admin المدير
عدد المساهمات : 427 نقاط : 1222 السٌّمعَة : 6 تاريخ التسجيل : 24/05/2011
| موضوع: افتراضي FifaMania Superpatch 10 اقوي باتش لـفـيـفـا 10 !! الثلاثاء مايو 24, 2011 9:36 pm | |
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FifaMania Superpatch 10 اقوي باتش لـفـيـفـا 10 !!
This is a really nice FIFA Mania Super Patch 10 for FIFA 10! It features Online Superpatch 10 (ENG).
- Added the 5 UCL teams missing with rosters, logos, kits, minikits, flags, etc.
- Added the missing national teams to play realistic World Cup 2010 with rosters, logos, kits, minikits, flags, etc.
- Italian and International rosters updated in two different databases (with and without winter transfer market)
- National teams rosters updated for all the teams that will play in South Africa World Cup.
- Added the Lega Pro First Division Group A and Group B with rosters, logos, kits, minifaces, minikits, flags, banners, etc.
- Added all Serie A and B stadiums (only Cittadella's Tombolato missing) with also 2 Lega Pro stadiums
- Added 4 South Africa World Cup stadiums and inserted 6 generic
stadiums ready to host the remaining 6 world cup stadiums when they will be out, without giving compatibility problems or editing the db
- Added the Bernabeu, Mestalla and Millennium Stadium stadiums
- Added the Louis II stadium for European Supercup
- Added the Bernabeu stadium for Champions League 09/10 final
- Created Lega Pro realistic tournaments and leagues to be played in manager mode and tournament mode
- Created the realistic Champions League 09/10 tournament
- Created the super-realistic (perfect fixtures!) South Africa World Cup 2010 tournament
- Inserted a realistic Coppa Italia 2009/2010 with also Lega Pro teams
- Edited the structure of international competitions starting from the second year of manager mode
- Edited the structure of Champions League and Europa League for career and season mode
- Inserted the World Club Championship from the second year in manager mode
- Updated all Home/Away/Gk/Third Serie A kits
- Updated all Home/Away/Gk and some Third Serie B kits
- Updated a lot of Home/Away/Gk kits of the national teams playing the World Cup and inserted realistic fonts for them
- Updated the Barcelona kits with the new World Champions badge
- Inserted all perfect fonts for all Serie A teams and very similar fonts for all Serie B and Lega Pro teams
- Inserted realistic armbands for all italian and international teams that had their kits edited by the SP
- Changed all the Serie A/B menu/ingame logos
- Inserted all missing (or generic) international logos and banners
- Changed all Serie A and B flags
- Assigned new adboards for every Serie A and B teams and a new generic adboard 99
- Assigned a generic adboard for Lega Pro teams
- Inserted real trophies pics
- Inserted the Referees Patch 10 with more than 200 italian and international referees
- Inserted new kits for referees
- Inserted the CInematics Patch 10
- Inserted new gameplay by ac12 and fifaccitiu
- Edited the players learning/growth curve
- Unlocked all shop items (Unlock Patch=
- Inserted new models for players (untucked, semi-untucked, tucked-in, WC2010 models) with Armband patch applied
- Inserted the Improve patch 10 by Fifaccitiu
- Inserted new colourful crowd
- Edited the turf colour and general lighting
- Inserted all manager mode sponsors for Serie A teams
- Inserted the Serie A, B, Lega Pro and Rest of Europe manager pics for manager mode
- Changed the country images in the modes (Country Patch)
- Inserted the official Lega balls for Serie A, Serie B and Lega Pro
- Inserted the official balls for South Africa World Cup 2010
- Assigned to goalkeepers a new pair of gloves Adidas Fingersave
- Inserted new nets textures and physics
- Inserted lots of new boots for Serie A and international players
- Fixed the names of all competitions and fixed italian/english language
- Inserted the choice of 5 TV popups and 7 scoreboards
- Inserted new realistic faces for Serie A (and some of Serie B) players
- Inserted new "press a key" menu
- Inserted new customization tool Superpatch Tool 10
- Inserted auto-updating tool (in Superpatch Tool 10)
- Much more that has been forgotten by mistake.
رابـــــــــــــــط مبــــــاشـــر =============== FMSP FiX Very Important
توقيع » A H M E D
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة وائل لوجين نت ; 04-26-2011 الساعة 04:30 PM
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النمر الأسود
عدد المساهمات : 50 نقاط : 53 السٌّمعَة : 0 تاريخ التسجيل : 26/05/2011
| موضوع: رد: افتراضي FifaMania Superpatch 10 اقوي باتش لـفـيـفـا 10 !! الخميس مايو 26, 2011 2:52 pm | |
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